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Grace Bible Church

Sunday Services

Where and when

At the heart of our life as a Church community is gathering together week by week for worship, prayer, hearing God’s word, and encouraging each other.


Sundays 9:15am and 11am.
(7pm services resume Feb 2025)

At Leith Bowling Club:

2 Duke Street

North Dunedin

Common questions

What should I expect at Church?

At Church we sit in rows facing the front. Someone, usually one of our pastors, will lead us through the service. We sing and pray together. There is a reading from the Bible (BYO Bible, or we have Bibles you can use to follow along) and then a talk, or sermon, in which one of our pastors helps us understand the Bible passage and what it’s teaching us about God and life. Usually on the first Sunday of the month we share the Lord’s Supper together. There’s time to chat over some food and a hot drink. Church services usually run for around 70mins. If you’re curious you could check out a service on our YouTube channel.

Which service time should I come to?

Anyone is welcome at any service. The two morning services (9:15am and 11am) are very similar with the same Bible reading, songs, and sermon. The 9:15am service has programs for children which run during the sermon. We have morning tea between the two services (from around 10:20-10:50), so if you’re coming to the 11am service feel free to come a bit early for a chat over some food and drink.

The 7pm service, or Grace@7, is a more informal service with a different Bible reading and sermon.


What should I wear?

Come along in what ever you feel comfortable wearing. There is no dress code and most folks at Grace don’t ‘dress up’ for church.


Any other questions?

Feel free to get in touch and ask! Contact details here.

Everyone's welcome

Everyone is welcome at Church: whatever you believe, or wherever you’re at with God.

We understand that it can be a bit daunting checking out a church for the first time. We’ll do our best to make you feel welcome and comfortable. We'd love to meet you, but you can be as anonymous as you like. We would genuinely love you to come.

Sample a service. Feel free to check out our Live Stream to get an idea of what to expect. Here's a recent service where we tackle the question: 'Why should I believe God is real?'

Kids and church

Kids are most welcome at Church. We have a high tolerance for kids being, well, kids!

You’re welcome to sit anywhere with your kids, but there’s space in the rear half of the building where they can spread out a bit and make some noise, if that’s helpful, and there are toys and activities for kids available. At the 9:15am service, about half way through the service (during the sermon), kids head off to special programs. Some kids prefer to stay with their parents—that's totally fine.


Our kids programs are led by approved leaders and helpers and are opportunities for children and youth to receive age appropriate teaching about the Bible and the Christian faith. 0-4 year olds meet at the tables at the rear of church; 5-8 year olds head downstairs for Kids Church, and 9-13 year olds have a Bible study, also down the stairs. Parent supervision is appreciated with the 0-4s, and parents are welcome to deliver their kids to their programs and participate or observe what's happening.

We also have a youth group for high school aged youth which meets on Friday nights during school term, from 7-9pm at 26 St David Street. For more info, contact us.

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